Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Coffee Cuffs!

Hello, sweet friends!!

First off, I want to thank ALL of you who have "liked" my Facebook page and have continued to support me in my NEW venture as Sparrow & Joy. I so appreciate my followers on FB because without you there, I would be floating in cyberspace unable to interact in such a fun way with my customers.

 Look! There's an actual row of stuff and more! :P

So I am getting more inventory made for the shop and have CHRISTMAS on my mind because I want to get stocking-stuffer sized goodies available to customers who don't want to spend a lot on handmade items for the holidays.


These are only five bucks and only $1.90 for shipping. Who doesn't know someone who drinks coffee from a drive-thru? They are insulated and will keep your hands comfortable with really hot drinks. Plus they just look really cool and trendy and you won't see anyone else with one! They save on cardboard java jackets so you can feel so good inside about not wasting materials. Keep them in your car hanging from the signal sticks by the steering wheel or chuck one in your purse!

Thanks again, friends, for your support of S&J!!!!

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